MARCH 2015 Mission Trip (21-25)

Daily Mission Events


Mission Accomplished!!!

Our Mission Team was on the ground in Haiti from 21-25 March and had a productive four days in Onaville!


Preparation for Medical Clinic

The focus of this trip was to hold a Medical Clinic to complete annual physicals for our school students.



Physicals for our Students

Our medical team exams the school students.



Institution Chretienne mixte David Steward (David Steward Christian Institution for Boys and Girls)

Our amazing Haitian children in their uniforms ready and working during a day at school in Onaville!




Computer Setup

Our missionaries transported 2 computers and completed setup to enable the School Staff to use state-of-the-art equipment to teach our children!




A Different View

Our missionaries climbed the hill to see Onaville and Haiti from a different perspective. The missionary team also took time to see a different part of Haiti after working hard in Onaville.




Homes for Onaville

One of our goals is to build cinderblock homes for families in Onaville.



March 21, 2014

Arrival in Haiti

Our mission team arrived safe and sound in Haiti today! Thank you for your prayers! More updates to follow!


March 20, 2014

Preparing for trip to Haiti

Our mission team is ready to go tomorrow! This trip is focused on medical needs for our Haitian children that attend school as well as those in need in Onaville.

Keep us in prayer and please consider a recurring donation or volunteer for an upcoming mission trip!!

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