JULY 2014 Mission Trip (19-25)
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Daily Mission Events
July 25, 2014
Made it Home!
Our mission team made it home! Check out the Facebook page for additional photos of the work to make the temporary school location ready to start educating the Haitian children. Also there is a wonderful praise and worship video that you just can’t miss…you will be blessed!
Keep us in prayer and please consider a recurring donation or volunteer for an upcoming mission trip!!
July 24, 2014
Getting Ready to Head Home
Our team of missionaries wrapped up their trip today and will be heading home tomorrow. Much of the day was spent tending to last minute issues as well as requests from NVM’s permanent missionaries and coordinating to keep the school in Onaville on track for it’s September opening.
Thankfully, there was also some downtime for our team and they got an opportunity to rest and pack prior to making the early morning trip to Port-Au-Prince for the flight back to the States tomorrow.
Please join us in praying for the team’s safe return to their homes throughout the United States! We’ll let you know when they’re safely on the ground here in the States!
July 23, 2014
VBS Support and Laying the Gravel Foundation for the School
Today, the team traveled back to Onaville and had the opportunity to support another missionary group with their Vacation Bible School. They led the congregation of kids in songs. They sang Soon and Very Soon
in English, Jesus Loves Me
and Love Lifted Me
in both English AND Creole. What a treat!
After the praise portion and while the team from the other missionary group conducted the rest of VBS, the team laid the gravel foundation for the school.
Late this afternoon, several team members had the opportunity to walk to Chambrun this afternoon to spend time with an extended family unit that the interns from Nehemiah Vision Ministries and Richard have developed a relationship.
Oh, and there was food prep. Tons and tons of quartered peanut butter sandwiches! Yum!!!
July 22, 2014
Building Desks and Benches for the School
The EVM mission team was busy yesterday working on the new benches and desks for the school. Thankfully, prayers were answered and enough raw materials were delivered to build 8 desks/benches yesterday. We appreciate your prayers!!
As you can see from the photos, this is not your average build job as each desk and bench frame is welded by hand. The welder is a local Haitian man who has worked with our partner ministry, Nehemiah Vision Ministries (NVM). When not working as a welder, he is learning to speak, read, and write English with the help of one of the NVM interpreters.
Once the frames are welded, they are painted, drilled and then the required wood is added to complete the job. It is tough, but important work. Without these desks and chairs, the children would have try and learn while sitting on dirt and rocks.
July 21, 2014
Prepping the Temporary School Tent
The EVM Missionaries traveled to Onaville bright and early to clean up the grounds under the tent for temporary school. They moved rocks, broke up large stones, and removed all the rubble from the site by wheelbarrow. They also made repairs and improvements to the tent. The sides of the tent will be replaced later in order to provide better protection from the rain and wind.
The morning work was finished quickly. The combined energy of the EVM team and the local Haitians was truly awesome – God was truly in the middle of the efforts! Afterwards, the team hiked up the side of the mountain overlooking Onaville, led by Anna, an intern in Haiti. The coolest thing was local kids from Onaville who joined the adventure and hiked all the way to the top. The team could see the future school site from there and prayed over the town.
Please continue to pray for the team and the timely delivery of materials for the bench and desk construction!!
Young EVM team members are making friends all over Onaville! A mission of love!!
July 20, 2014
Praise and Worship in Onaville!
Early this morning, our missionaries traveled to Onaville to attend the worship service. Pastor Pierre preached a very powerful message from Mark 10. It’s amazing to feel the spirit of God even when you understand none of the words! It was awesome to see how much the Haitians participate in services and how neither time nor heat bother them as they worship the Lord.
Tomorrow they will head back to Onaville to clear the grounds for the temporary school site. They also were able to see desks and benches to be built for the school.
It’s very hot in Haiti, please pray for everyone to stay safe while working out in the heat!
July 19, 2014
Arrived Safely in Haiti!
EVM’s 11 missionaries landed safely in Port-au-Prince and traveled to Chambrun, Haiti. Since their arrival, they’ve met long-term and short-term missionaries already in country as well as getting settled and having an evening devotional as they begin their week in service to the Haitians. Tomorrow morning they will travel to Onaville bright and early at 0700 to participate in their Sunday worship service! Please pray for our missionaries to use their God-given gifts as they serve the Haitian people and start the first of many schools built by EVM in Haiti! Be Blessed!
Headed to Haiti!
The EVM Missionaries departed this morning for Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Please continue to pray for a safe journey to Haiti.
July 17, 2014
Ready to Go!
The EVM Missionaries depart on Saturday 19 July and fly into Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Please pray for a safe journey for the missionaries to Haiti.
EVM will start with laying the foundation for the temporary school site and building benches and desks to establish the school at Onaville, Haiti.
January 15th, 2016 View Profile