August 2016 Mission Trip
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Saturday, 13 Aug 2016 – Home Safe & Sound
The EVM Mission Team arrived home in various locations from Miami at all different times today after spending the night (well let’s say 4-6 hours) at a hotel overnight due to weather and availability of crews. Friday and Saturday were long days but we are thankful that all of our missionaries are safe and sound and returned home to family, loved ones and congregations that missed them immensely! God is good! We are grateful for your prayer cover during our travel and time in Haiti!
Friday, 12 Aug 2016 – Departing Haiti
We headed out to Port-au-Prince airport at 0930 on the Tap-Tap. Even though our flight wasn’t until 2:37 pm, it was good to leave early due to traffic at the airport. Upon arrival, Sister Isabella worked her magic to get us checked in as a group in about 25 minutes. The air conditioning in the upper floor of the terminal was broken and it was sweltering. Everyone ascended to the 3rd floor for some lunch and then settled in on the 2d floor to await the departure. Then the fun started…delay after delay found us departing at 6:45 p.m. causing everyone to miss their connecting flights. God is good and we flew to Miami. Once on the ground in Miami, we found our way to a hotel to get a few hours sleep and start the process again anywhere from 4 – 7 a.m. It was a very long day!
Thursday, 11 Aug 2016 – Preparing to Go Home
Our EVM Mission Team is getting ready to fly home tomorrow. We are packing and having our final evening of fellowship! We have built relationships with our teammates, other missionaries, our hosts and every Haitian we’ve met! We leave Haiti for a little while and look forward to returning next year!!
Our youngest missionaries, Sisters Tanishia, Jada and Annalisa made long-lasting friendships with Haitians everywhere they went.
Sisters Jada, Tanishia and Annalisa hanging out with a new friend!
Wednesday, 10 Aug 2016 – Graduation Day for VBS/ESL and Sports Camp
Today we hosted a graduation celebration for the chidren in Onaville. Sister Isabella and our translator, Nikki led Praise & Worship with the children. Then Sister Isabella led the “Invitation to Christ” for the children. 25 Children responded to ask Jezi (Jesus) into their heart. We prayed with each child to ensure they understood the meaning of what they were doing and not just coming forward with a friend. Praise God for 25 souls saved!
Next we had a wonderful Praise Dance coordinated by Sister Sherwanna, Sister Melody and Sister Tanieshia; Sister Tanieshia led the praise dancers. After the Praise Dance, it was time to congratulate the children with certificates for their participation in VBS/ESL and Sports Camp. Then it was time to break for lunch and feed the children. After lunch, the teachers recognized leaders in their classrooms with a special award and gave each student a goodie bag to take home!
In response to the “Invitation to Accept Christ”, 25 children came forward to invite Jezi (Jesus) into their heart.
Sister Lesa and other EVM Missionaries pray with each child desiring to invite Jezi (Jesus) into their hearts!
Sister Tanishia leads the Haitian young ladies in a celebratory Praise Dance!
A beautiful Haitian girl receives certificates for completing VBS/ESL and Sports Camp from Rev Hawkins and Pastor Massillon.
Certificates given to every child who participated in VBS/ESL and Sports Camp!
Sister Melody celebrates graduation with her class and translator!
Tuesday, 9 Aug 2016 – VBS/ESL & Sports Camp
On our second day at Onaville, we hosted VBS/ESL and Sports Camp as well as fed the children Rice & Beans. In VBS/ESL, the scripture was John 3:16, then the lessons were Introductions, Colors, Months of the Year, Family descriptions, Numbers 50-100 and singing “Jesus Loves Me”. We fed the children rice & beans for lunch. Then the first class finished eating moved to Sports Camp.
In Sports Camp, we had several games set up for them to try…some translated, some did not. At any time a ball is present, the Haitians want to play soccer. So shotput didn’t work as they either wanted to throw the ball or put the ball on the ground and kick it. The children loved sack races…had so much fun laughing and falling on the ground. Sister Jo made an impromptu change and had the children playing Red Light, Green Light. The children loved playing that game too! They had fun throwing bean bags and Frisbees and jumping ropes. We even had a few hula hoops for the girls to try.
We visited Chambrun and Sister Darlene and her family. Sister Darlene brought out every chair in her home to show EVM missionaries hospitality. It was so sweet! Pastor Sneed and her Father connected over a baseball cap with John 3:16 written on it!
Back at camp, we prepared t-shirts with “Love” for the Praise Dancers and put together goodie bags for every child to take home.
Sisters Jo and Jada teach VBS/ESL with the help of translators.
Sister Michelle with the youngest children in the VBS/ESL camp
Sister Blanche and Sister Vernocka working with the 4-6 year olds!
Sister Lesa teaches VBS/ESL with the help of a translator.
Sister Melody teaches how to tell time to her students.
Sister Sherwanna works on colors with her students with the aid of Skittles!
Pastor Sneed works on colors with his class.
Visiting in Chambrun with Sister Darlene and her family. The home was built through donations to EVM and in partnership and with Nehemiah Vision Ministries.
EVM Missionaries visiting with Darlene and her family.
T-shirts lovingly prepared for the Praise Dance crew.
Monday, 8 Aug 2016 – Vacation Bible School/English as a Second Language (VBS/ESL)
Today was the first day of VBS/ESL. The theme was God’s Love! We walked into the church to find 297 children awaiting VBS/ESL camp to start. We had children from 3 to 15 years old. We split into 6 classes of children.
Once in class, we started with scripture Proverbs 8:17 then worked on Days of the Week, Common Phrases, Common Foods and Numbers 1-50. We sang “I’ve got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, down in my Heart” with the children also. The second lesson added more Common Phrases and Common Things plus Numbers 50-100 as well as Time. Then the children put together a clock showing them how to tell time.
We also fed the 300+ children rice & beans for lunch. It wasn’t a smooth process on this first day however all the children received a hot meal for lunch. It was difficult to remember that they may not have eaten for a few days before their first day at VBS/ESL camp. Because it took an extended amount of time, we didn’t get to host the Sports Camp today. It was quite a full day for the Onaville children and the EVM Missionaries!
EVM Mission Team ready to go to Onaville to teach VBS/ESL and Sports Camp and love the children!
Children waiting in the church to participate in VBS/ESL.
Sister Isabella coordinates with Madame Yvette, the school administrator, and the translators.
Sister Isabella is from RIP Ministries (www.ripministries.org), an EVM partner in Haiti.
Our youngest attendees eating a hot lunch of rice & beans!
Children making clocks to help them learn to tell time!
Sunday, 7 Aug 2016 – Church and Fellowship in Haiti
Pastor Massillon sent a van to pick us up for Worship Service at Onaville. We arrived to the sweet singing of the saints. We experienced a prayer time that captured our hearts listening to the pleas and praise to Jezi (Jesus). Reverend Hawkins introduced Pastor Nelson Sneed to the congregation. Prior to the word, Pastor Sneed asked Sister Tanishia to sing for the congregation. Sister Tanishia is a gifted young lady who thought for a moment and sang “Mary’s Alabaster Box “acappella”. Pastor Sneed then delivered the message “Great News” from Ephesians 2:20. Sister Isabella assisted with translation until a translator arrived. Both Pastor Sneed and Sister Isabella stretched their abilities to bring the Word to the Haitian people of Onaville. We were able to fellowship with the congregation after the service. Sister Tanishia moved to the piano and began playing a favorite gospel song and the Haitians closed in around and began singing with her. It was a sweet fellowship in the Lord!
San Angelo Standard-Times is currently profiling Ezra Vision Ministries in multiple articles to tell the story of Haiti and EVMs efforts in Onaville. The Standard-Times sent a reporter, Federico Martinez and a photographer, Yfat Yossifor to document their experiences in Haiti as well as EVMs efforts. Look for their articles on the website and at www.gosanangelo.com
During offering, the Haitians not only bring money but also bring a portion of other things (potatoes, rice, toiletries) to help those less fortunate. It is amazing!
Rev Hawkins introduces Pastor Sneed with the aid of Sister Isabella translating and Pastor Massillon smiles in the background.
Pastor Sneed preaches the Word.
Pastor Massillon prepares for Communion with the congregation.
Sister Tanishia plays piano and the Haitian choir/band members sing along.
Federico Martinez, San Angelo Standard-Times, interviews John a translator for the Sunday Worship Service.
Yfat Yossifor, San Angelo Standard-Times, captures the Onaville Worship Service in photographs.
Saturday, 6 Aug 2016 – Arrival in Haiti
We arrived in Haiti with 18 missionaries ready to serve! We rode to the campus on the Tap-Tap…a new experience for some of our missionaries! After getting settled, we were blessed with a thunderstorm which caused a bit of rearranging bunks to drier areas of the ladies tent! A double rainbow appeared to remind us of God’s promises! We had a wonderful dinner of chicken, fries, plantains, spicy slaw and Sister Gail’s wonderful oatmeal raisin cookies! We spent the evening getting to know our fellow missionaries and sharing our reasons for coming to Haiti!
Tomorrow we will go to Onaville for worship services. Pastor Sneed will deliver the Word and Sister Isabella will translate. Please keep them in prayer as this will be a first for both with a Haitian Creole service. God is leading!!
We are so blessed to be in Haiti and thankful for family and friends at home supporting us!!
Arrived safely in Port-au-Prince Haiti.
Time to load luggage on the Tap-Tap!
Sister Gail and Sister Annalisa enjoying their ride on the Tap-Tap.