Lesa’s Story
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Being in Haiti was an experience that I will never forget. I, along with my son Morgan, was a part of the medical team that provided physicals to 129 students of the school in Onaville called Institution Chretien Mixte David Steward. Many of the students had immediate needs that were able to be addressed through the medications that were brought. I was amazed at God’s faithfulness because the process went smoothly and all of the 129 children were served in just a few days.
Lesa and her son, Morgan
Being in Haiti was an experience that I will never forget. I, along with my son Morgan, was a part of the medical team that provided physicals to 129 students of the school in Onaville called Institution Chretien Mixte David Steward. Many of the students had immediate needs that were able to be addressed through the medications that were brought. I was amazed at God’s faithfulness because the process went smoothly and all of the 129 children were served in just a few days.
Medical supplies that the team brought
I also had the opportunity to attend church and enjoyed seeing the Haitians worshipping and praising God. In spite of their challenges and significant needs, they sang and danced before the Lord with much passion.
I met the most wonderful people from Haiti and was able to spend time with a lady named Daline and her family who will be getting a home built in July. EVM will work alongside our partners in Haiti to accomplish this goal. They currently live in a mud hut and are so excited to finally have a place that they will truly call home!
Lesa and Morgan with Daline and her family
As the result of my experience, I am now committed to helping the Haitian people and plan to continue being a part of Ezra Vision Ministries. I’m confident that as “each one would reach one”, we would impact the community of Haiti and the generations to come.
Lesa and two darling boys in Chambrun
Lesa with a beautiful school girl in Onaville
Written by Lesa Steward
April 11th, 2016 View Profile