Providing the Basics
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A bathroom with running water! I submit most, if not many, of us take it for granted. However, that is not the norm or the case in many of the rural parts of Haiti. In fact, it is not the norm, per capita, for the developed parts of Haiti.
Ezra Vision Ministries has taken the commitment, in conjunction with our mission partners, to build a latrine with running water in Onaville, Haiti. The current population in Onaville is 200,000 people—people who were totally displaced as a result of the hurricane that tore through Haiti back in 2010. Now the population has grown, but the basic hygiene expectations have lagged behind to the point of being woefully in adequate.
While Onaville was “spared” from the direct impact and destruction from Hurricane Matthew, it still has not even recovered from the earthquake some six (6) years later.
The next time you flush the toilet or wash your hands in the rest/bathroom, think about the hundreds of thousands of people who still do not even have what we “see” as basics when it comes to personal hygiene.
EVM has invested $25K toward building a latrine (with running water). You can see pictures of the progress at http://ezravisionministries.org/dir/gallery/ . The expected completion date is December 2016.
If you, or your organization, would like to consider investing in improving the basic needs of the people of Haiti, please visit our website at http://ezravisionministries.org/dir/home .
Matthew 25:31-40
Written by Ronnie Hawkins, EVM Director
UPDATE: The Latrine was completed this month Dec 2016!
November 4th, 2016 View Profile