MARCH 2015 Mission Trip (21-25)

Daily Mission Events


Mission Accomplished!!!

Our Mission Team was on the ground in Haiti from 21-25 March and had a productive four days in Onaville!


Preparation for Medical Clinic

The focus of this trip was to hold a Medical Clinic to complete annual physicals for our school students.



Physicals for our Students

Our medical team exams the school students.



Institution Chretienne mixte David Steward (David Steward Christian Institution for Boys and Girls)

Our amazing Haitian children in their uniforms ready and working during a day at school in Onaville!




Computer Setup

Our missionaries transported 2 computers and completed setup to enable the School Staff to use state-of-the-art equipment to teach our children!




A Different View

Our missionaries climbed the hill to see Onaville and Haiti from a different perspective. The missionary team also took time to see a different part of Haiti after working hard in Onaville.




Homes for Onaville

One of our goals is to build cinderblock homes for families in Onaville.



March 21, 2014

Arrival in Haiti

Our mission team arrived safe and sound in Haiti today! Thank you for your prayers! More updates to follow!


March 20, 2014

Preparing for trip to Haiti

Our mission team is ready to go tomorrow! This trip is focused on medical needs for our Haitian children that attend school as well as those in need in Onaville.

Keep us in prayer and please consider a recurring donation or volunteer for an upcoming mission trip!!

AUGUST 2015 Mission Trip

Daily Mission Events

Mission Accomplished!!!
Our Mission Team was on the ground in Haiti from 15-21 August and conducted a productive and successful English as a Second Language (ESL) camp in Onaville!



Aug 21, 2015

Returned Home

The team is home safe! They send their gratitude for all of your prayers.




Aug 20, 2015 

Preparing to Head Home

Our EVM Mission Team is getting ready to fly home tomorrow. We are packing and having our final evening of fellowship with the Medical team from just outside Dallas! We have built relationships with our teammates, other missionaries, our hosts and every Haitian we’ve met! We leave Haiti for a little while with full hearts and blessed beyond measure!! Please join us on a mission trip and meet the Haitian people who have captured our hearts!!

As we write this, we are having another downpour so this will be the second major rain event in less than a week. God is filling the rain barrels tonight! God is so good!! Please pray for our safe return to our homes and loved ones!



Aug 19, 2015

Graduation Day for ESL camp

The EVM Mission Team had a glorious day in the Lord at Onaville! We were blessed to close out out the 2-day ESL camp with over 60 new students bringing the total to over 175 children participating in classes and today’s graduation ceremony!! We opened with the children singing, “This is the Day” and “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.”

Sister Isabella shared her inspirational testimony of life as a child in a Caribbean country and how she accepted Christ during a similar crusade led by missionaries. At the conclusion of her testimony, the Haitian children were given the opportunity to accept Christ into their lives. Over 25 children came forward to accept Christ as their personal Savior! Glory to God!!

To celebrate the conclusion of the wonderful camp, we prepared for what turned out to be a festive fellowship celebrating the success of the children. We were blessed by a special dance ministry featuring a group of young ladies who attended the camp and then stayed behind each day to learn the routine. The excitement and sense of accomplishment was very evident on their faces!  The graduation ceremony was a blessed event! ALL of the children received a graduation certificate and a goody bag to take home. It was an exciting time for both the children and EVM Mission Team!



Our amazing interpreter team was crucial to othe EVM Mission Team’s ministry in Onaville! Valentina,
Nicky, Joshua, Jacson and Juvenal…the Fab Five!;



Aug 18, 2015

Second Day of ESL camp

Today, we taught English as a Second Language in Onaville for 112+ children ages 4 – 14. In our classes, we worked on numbers, days of the week, months of the year and sang, “This is the Day that the Lord has Made.” We taught the children “Father Abraham” and practiced “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” for the graduation ceremony tomorrow! Sister Sherwanna also rehearsed her dance team for the ceremony! The day ended with all the children getting a candy treat!

Tomorrow, Sister Isabella and the team will host a graduation ceremony and a celebration for our beautiful children! Pastor Massion, the School Head Mistress Madame Yvette, Jacson and our interpreters – Valentina, Joshua, Juvenal and Nikky – have been key to our success teaching the children English and helping them learn about God’s love. We prepped treat bags and certificates for the children and a little something special for the teachers! So excited for tomorrow! ‪



Aug 17, 2015

First Day of ESL camp

Today in Onaville, the EVM Mission team hosted an English as a Second Language (ESL) camp for 50+ children ages 6-12! Sister Isabella led the team and we all worked with the children with the crucial assistance of our four Haitian interpreters! The children were so excited and enthusiastic!

We taught in English “Jesus Loves Me”, introductory phrases like “I am Bernard. What is your name?”, numbers and colors, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands”, and John 3:16. The children put together a craft reflecting God’s hands holding the world! The children sang “Jesus Loves Me” trying to out sing their friends in other classes. So sweet to hear them sing!

Later in the day we walked to Chambrun with Pastor Gami to see the home EVM is building! The foundation has been laid and we look forward to seeing the progress that is made this week.




Aug 16, 2015

Worship in Onaville, Haiti

We had a wonderful service with Pastor Massion and his congregation at the church in Onaville this morning! Minister Richard Green preached and Pastor Gami interpreted. It was definitely a Spirit-filled worship service all to the Glory of God!! We let the congregation know we were happy to be in fellowship with them, sang “He’s got the whole world in His hands” and introduced the team! The congregation expressed their love in hugs and blessings after church!!

We spent the afternoon getting to know our team members…what an awesome group here on the ground in Haiti! Later in the day, we prepared for English as a Second Language camp tomorrow. Sister Isabella blessed us by teaching us the ESL approach and gave us a short lesson in Creole 101!

Finally, It is pouring rain with a thunderstorm and lightning! First major rain event since last October! During devotions, we prayed for a temperature drop and rain! God is so good!!




Aug 15, 2015

Arrival in Haiti

The EVM team has made it to Haiti…finally! After aircraft and other challenges, we are 8 strong and ready to serve! It was a long day, but we are ready to worship at Onaville tomorrow!




Departure for Haiti

Good Morning EVM friends and partners! Today, EVM will have another mission team on the ground in Haiti with the purpose of doing an English as a Second Language (ESL) camp in Onaville, and also to begin building a house in Chambrun under the Homes for Haiti ministry of EVM. Please be in prayer for the team! We will post updates as often as we receive them. Thank you for joining us in ministering to the precious people of Haiti!


Aug 7-8, 2015

Preparing for trip to Haiti

Sisters Blanche, Isabella, Gail and Lesley worked long hours to prepare the ESL curriculum and the crafts for the Onaville children to complete during the camp!
